Mode of Payment of School / Bus Fees (Session 2024-25)
• The School and Bus fees are to be paid in four installments as under:
S.NO. | Month | Last Date Of Payment | Quarter |
1 | April | 15 April 2024 | First (Apr-Jun) |
2 | July | 15 Jul 2024 | Second (Jul-Sep) |
3 | October | 15 Oct 2024 | Third (Oct-Dec) |
4 | January | 15 Jan 2025 | Fourth (Jan-Mar) |
• Mode of Payment : Fees are to be paid (from 01-15 of First payment month every Qtr) Months between 08.30 hrs and 1.00 hrs on all working days. The name of the Student/ Class/Section/Adm.No. /Mobile No should be written on the back of the cheque. Annual Charges and PTA Fund for the whole year are payable in April, 2024.
• Parents wanting to drop the cheque in the drop box at the reception due to paucity of time may do so and can collect the receipt at a later date or through their wards. • Combined Cheque : Parents are to issue a combined cheque for School Fee and Bus Fee, if possible. Parents having more than one ward in the school are to issue a single cheque for payment of fee.
• Fee Defaulters : All fee defaulters for the IV Qtr are to pay fees only by Pay Order. If paid after 10 Feb 2025, No cheque payment will be accepted.
• Class X & XII Fees for IV Quarter will be accepted only by Pay Order. Parents of Class XII students are required to pay Bus Fees for 1 Months only. All pending dues are to be cleared before issuance of ADMIT CARD by the school.
Fine for Late Payment(School Fee/Transport Fee)
• Rs.10/- from payment date after the notified date till the 10th of the second month of the quarter. • Rs.20/- from payment made between the 11th of the second month till the 10th of the third month.
• A Fine of Rs.50/- will be charged if the payment is made after the 11th of the third month till the last date of the quarter.
• The name of the student will be struck off the nominal rolls if the fee is not paid by the end of the quarter and a penalty of Rs.500/- in addition to cumulative fine of Rs.800/- will be charged for readmission.
• Cheques returned by the bank for any reason will be treated as non payment and fresh payment will be made through Bank Draft, together with a fine of Rs.500/- in addition to the fine towards late payment as mentioned above.
• If 15th of the Fee Payment month happens to be a Sunday or a Holiday, the fee should be paid before that day.
• Parents are to note that validity of a cheque is for 3 months and, therefore, sufficient fund must be ensured for the entire period of the validity of cheque.
Withdrawal from Bus Facility:
For withdrawing a child for any reason, parents are to give one month’s notice or one-month’s fee in lieu. Bus facility will be withdrawn if Bus Fee is not paid by 20th of the 1st month of a quarter. Facility once withdrawn will not be restored. A student who fails to deposit fee on time will not be allowed to use the Bus facility from 21st day onwards if it happens to be a working day. However, cases of non payment due to extra ordinary circumstance may be considered for restoration not later than a maximum of 10 days as grace period and only after payment of outstanding dues together with fine of Rs.100/- and restoration charges of Rs.100/-.
Transfer Certificates : Application for TCs are to be made at least two weeks in advance. TCs will be issued only on clearance of all dues. Duplicate copies of TCs are not ordinarily issued. In exceptional cases a duplicate copy may be issued on production of an affidavit that the original TC has been irrecoverably lost. The responsibility for any possible misuse will rest on the parent.
Caution Deposit : An undertaking for return of Caution Deposit should be made while applying for the TC. Caution Deposits will not be refunded, if not claimed, within one year from the date of leaving the school